Sunday, October 15, 2006

2004 report: DePaul's Norman Finkelstein being sued for libel

The dateline on this one is 2004, but it's news to me, as well as for Steven Plaut, who sent this my way. I'm not sure if the translation (the source is an Austrian publication), just got put online, but I think it's worth posting:

From Die Juedische:

Wiesenthal Center Los Angeles

Paris, 26 March 2004

Norman Finkelstein, the American author of "The Holocaust Industry", and his publisher, are being sued under French law against libel. The French edition (based on the English-language original) is considered actionable and replete with Holocaust revisionism and incitement to antisemitism.

The Simon Wiesenthal Centre's Director for International Liaison, Dr. Shimon Samuels, who three years ago publicly debated Finkelstein when the book was first published in London, presented the following testimony for today's Paris hearing:

"'The Holocaust Industry' presents a great danger. Mr. Finkelstein's thesis is an extremist attack on Jews in general, and American Jews in particular, accusing them of exploiting the suffering of the Shoah as 'a pretext for their crimes in the context of the Middle-East conflict.'

This thesis, so close to that of Roger Garaudy [a condemned French Holocaust denier and anti-Jewish hate-monger] today constitutes the principal credo of modern antisemitism.

I'm not sure how this ended up, or if this case is still ongoing. Keep it tuned here.

Related posts: Press Release: DePaul professor defames Catholic education; Donohue defends Dershowitz

Dershowitz clobbers Finkelstein, "Rabbi" Lerner

Daniel Pipes on CAIR hypocrisy in Klocek case

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