Saturday, June 16, 2007

Obama's "macaca moment"

There's plenty of macaca to fling around in the 2008 presidential race.

And in a surprising move (to some people), it's the Obama campaign who digging deep into it, and hurling at his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton.

From Rediff India:

When United States Senator Barak Obama entered the American presidential race, he staked out his turf on the moral high ground with a call for a new kind of politics, devoid of personal attack and characterised by debates on the issues that matter.

His campaign apparently has not been listening: Members of the Senator's campaign staff have been circulating a document that, in its title, slightingly refers to Democratic rival Senator Hillary Clinton as the Democrat from Punjab -- a seeming slur on Clinton's ties with India and Indian Americans.

The three page 'opposition research paper', titled Hillary Clinton (D-Punjab)'s Personal Financial and Political Ties, which has begun circulating in the blogosphere, criticises the Clintons' links to India in an effort and attacks her record on outsourcing, and on protecting American jobs.

The D-Punjab reference apparently refers to a joke Senator Clinton made last year, at a fund-raiser hosted by New York-based hotelier and top Democratic fund-raiser Sant Singh Chatwal. 'I can certainly run for the Senate seat in Punjab and win easily,' she had said on that occasion.

Hat tip to Capitol Fax

Hillary backed away from this comment almost as soon as he said it, but in 2004, Clinton had this to say about Mahatma Gandhi:

He ran a gas station down in St. Louis.

For some reason, Democrats seem to stumble when it comes to the people of the Indian sub-continent.

Here's what another Democratic candidate, Joe Biden said about them last year:

You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent ... I'm not joking.

Oh, the things they get away with....

What a bunch of macaca.

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