Thursday, January 05, 2006

Fred Phelps celebrates miners' deaths in West Virginia

Yes, it's true. Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist "Church" is at it again. The group is best known for it's picketing of soldiers' funeral while holding signs such as "God Loves Dead Soldiers," is pleased with the news of the tragic deaths of the 12 miners in West Virginia.

The flier, Thank God for 12 Dead Miners, from the "God Hates Fags" web site is here. Along celebrating the miners deaths, the writer of the flier somehow manages to tie in the "Gay Cowboy Movie" Brokeback Mountain and the best-selling book, The Da Vinci Code. I call that a "non sensquiter."

Oh, they're threatening to picket the miners' funerals.

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Anonymous said...

Please make that Democrat Fred Phelps celebrates ...
He and his family have been very active as party officials over the years..
Dem candidate for Gov (came is second in the primary... Daughter was an officer in the county party (Shawnee)

Unknown said...

All the principals of the phelps chartered law firm,a firm founded by WBC founder fred pheips, are membera of WBC.


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