Monday, December 19, 2005

Time Persons of the Year an annual gimmick

The "Person of the Year" feature at Time Magazine is out, and 2005's Person of the Year is Bono, Bill Gates and Melinda Gates.

Because of their philantropical work, they have been singled out by Time this year.

With no disrepect to those deeds by Bono and the Gates couple, but Time's Person of the Year issue has been for years just a silly gimmick that has strayed from its original purpose.

Time's first Man of the Year was Charles Lingbergh back in 1927. When initiated, the idea of that Time feature was to honor the person who most effected the news in calendar year. That's how bad guys such as Adolf Hitler (1938), Joseph Stalin (1939), and Ayatollah Khomeini (1979) were "honored." Yasser Arafat got a share of the 1993 award as one of the year's "Peacemakers."

1982's issue brought us the Machine of the Year, the computer, and 1989 Earth was the Planet of the Year. (My heart was set on Saturn and it's ring back then.)

The whole "Person of the Year" bit by Time has gotten ridiculous; it's time to end the media fawning of this "great event."

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