Ward Churchill will be speaking at Seattle's Shoreline Community College on November 8, as you'll see here.
Shoreline, publicizing Churchill's appearance there next month, posted a photo of the world's most prominent fake Indian. But they changed a well-known picture of Churchill before placing it on their web site. The well-known pic is on the left. Shoreline Community College digitally-altered that photo, removing the automatic rifle from Ward's right shoulder, if the other one.
A tipster sent me this information, which, indepedent of this blog, Little Green Footballs picked up on.
The same tipster now informs me that the "PhotoShopped" picture is gone from Shoreline's site. Now there is no picture, as you'll see if you click on the above link.
Oh, about my opposition to Ward Churchill: Yes, the man has free speech rights, and everything he as said in the past is, in my opionion, covered by the First Amendment. What I object to is that colleges such as DePaul and Evergreen State College to speak at a high fee, with dollars most likely partially covered by student's tuition money.
It's beleived that Ward Churchill gets anywhere from $3,500 to $5,000 for each on-campus 90 minute rag.
Here's a tip for you, colleges and universities of the world: You can get me for maybe 1/10 of that. And media will be allowed to view my talk, unlike Ward Churchill's DePaul speech.
And, yes, a detail from Ward's DePaul speech was reported in error. But there are plenty of other reprehensible statements that most decent people would find objectionable in his DePaul speech of last week.
Technorati tags: Ward Churchill Seattle
Academic freedom
Liberals in Academia
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