Saturday, July 23, 2005

Joe Biden in Chicago next two days

Had to run to the local supermarket tonight to pick up a few things, and I came across the Saturday early edition of the Sunday Chicago Sun-Times.

Lynn Sweet's column writes about Senator Joe Biden's (D-DE) visit to Chicago tomorrow and Monday; 100 degree heat is expected tomorrow, so it'll be interesting what effect the extreme heat will have on his hair-transplant plugs.

Biden is considering a presidential run in '08, and he'll be meeting with local politicos to discuss a Biden '08 campaign.

Last fall, Joe called President Bush "brain dead." The line, most likely, was not taken from another speech, a stunt he pulled in his 1988 presidential campaign when he plagiarized a speech from British politician Neil Kinnock.

Like Kerry, Biden is a pro-abortion Catholic politician. He'll have to perform the same dance "Yes, I'm Catholic, but I support a woman's right to choose" John Kerry had to perform in Election 2004. Biden, however, opposes partial-birth abortion.

Still, Biden's chances in 2008 are slim. Stay home in Delaware.

UPDATE 3:01PM Sunday: Here is that Lynn Sweet Chicago Sun-Times column.

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