Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The DePaulia Newspaper publishes shameful op-ed on Klocek

A DePaul student named Michael Gallo wrote a shocking op-ed piece in support of Dean Dumblteton and response of DePaul University against Professor Klocek in the university newspaper, the DePaulia. I don't even know where to start on this one. It pushes out the same line, that DePaul had to "protect" its students. Protect them from what? A person who disagrees with them.

These students will have a rough go of it in the work force, as they'll encounter people disagreeing with them on a daily basis. Maybe even hourly. And they won't be able to run to a Dean Susanne Dumbleton when they're feelings are hurt.

Here is that article. DePaul moved the link, sorry if you tried to check it earlier.


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