Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Chicago Tribune Headline "U.S. citizen charged with plot to kill Bush"

Yeah, that much is true according to the Tribune article. Ahmed Omar Abu Ali was born in Texas of Jordanian immigrant parents. He was the valedictorian of Islamic Saudi Academy in Alexandria, VA.

This school promotes, or promoted until they got caught, extremist rhetoric. As an August 2004 article in the Washington Times pointed out:

"One page in the manual for the first-grade textbook instructs teachers to tell students that any religion other than Islam is false. "These first-grade students are very impressionable," said Kamal Nawash, a Palestinian and practicing Muslim who runs the six-month-old Free Muslim Coalition Against Terrorism. "The extremist version of Islam encourages violence. We don't need to be teaching that anymore in this diverse world. We need to teach people to get along."

Of course, none of this is in the Chicago Tribune article, but a 30 second web search directed me to this article. But the Trib thought it important to emphasize that Mr. Ali is a US citizen. The important part, the frightening part, was left out. Shame on the Trib.

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