Wednesday, March 26, 2014

ILL-inois: Liar Quinn to make his "temporary" 67 percent income tax hike permanent

"We have some temporary tax increases designed to pay our bills, get Illinois back on fiscal sound footing and make sure that our state has a strong economy." Governor Pat Quinn in 2011.

Now the Chicago Democrat wants to make the "temporary" income tax hike permanent.

And despite the massive tax hike, Illinois has a backlog of nearly $6 billion in unpaid bills and an over $100 billion public pension shortfall. As for the "strong economy" Quinn alluded to in his 2011, ILL-inois has the nation's second-highest unemployment rate and the lowest credit rating of the fifty states.

Illinois doesn't have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem.

In November we need to replace Quinn with political newcomer Bruce Rauner.

To follow Rauner on Facebook, click here. To follow him on Twitter, click here.

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