Friday, November 08, 2013

Review, Teri O'Brien's The ABC's of Barack Obama: Understanding God's Greatest Gift to America

Teri O'Brien
Has my good friend Teri O'Brien lost her conservative bearings? Has she signed on to the Cult of Obama?

The host of the Teri O'Brien Show on BlogTalkRadio--which I've been a guest on many times, has written an Amazon Kindle book, The ABC's of Barack Obama: Understanding God's Greatest Gift to America.

Yes, God is great. And so is Obama. "It's hard to believe, but even as he begins his second term, there are still some people who can't see the obvious; that is, that Barack Obama is God's greatest gift to America. Some of them even refuse to accept that he is qualified to hold the office," O'Brien writes regretfully.

The book follows an A-Z format, for instance, "A" is for Affirmative Action. And "Z" is for Zero, which we learn that is the number of articles Obama published while he taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago. But that's not a problem, the reformed O'Brien tells us, "Writing stuff would be a huge waste of Barack's massive brainpower."

"T" is for Transparency. And of course Obama promised to be the most transparent administration ever. "Once Barack got into office, some people starting accusing him of breaking that transparency promise, and even of being even more secretive than the Chimp President!" The Chimp President of course is Obama's predecessor, George W. Bush.

Later in the same chapter, Bush gets "chimped" again. Here’s what you really need to understand about all this "transparency" stuff. At first it sounds good, but it's tremendously overrated," O'Brien argues. "Do you really think it makes any difference if Barack tells you everything he’s doing to fix the mess he inherited from the Chimp President?"

As for myself, I have a regular debate in my right-wing damaged brain whether Jimmy Carter or Obama is the worst president of my lifetime.

As I'll be running into more liberals as the holidays approach, I plan to use this book to sharpen my mental saw to spew the truth back at them. I urge you, my conservative friend, to buy O'Brien's Kindle book--so you can do the same.

And you can wonder whether Teri has really succumbed to the Dark Side--or whether the Force is still with her.

Oh, does O'Brien predict a Christmas miracle for Obama?
Some bitter clingers who are too dumb to appreciate how lucky we are to have Barack Obama mock his many observant and intelligent admirers by making lame jokes about how his fans
Awaiting a Christmas miracle?
think he walks on water. Of course, that is ridiculous. Barack does not walk on water, mainly because he doesn't want to. If he did it, even once, just for fun, the haters would say he should walk to Hawaii for his annual Christmas vacation to save taxpayer money.
That's something you can discuss during your Christmas dinner.

The Teri O'Brien Show on Informed America Radio airs each Sunday at 5:00pm Eastern (4:00pm Central).

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