Friday, October 04, 2013

Enrollment in fed ObamaCare exchange only in single digits

Yesterday, Obama's paid liar, Jay Carney, claimed he didn't know how many Americans signed up for ObamaCare on the federal exchange.

I'm sure he did know--based on this report from Forbes:
On October 1, ObamaCare's subsidized insurance exchanges went live. Most of the exchange websites crashed on the first day, a development that led some of the law’s supporters to conclude that there was overwhelming demand for ObamaCare's insurance products. But the Obama administration isn't releasing figures as to the number of Americans who have actually signed up for exchange-based coverage. "Very, very few people that we're aware of have enrolled in the federal exchange,” said one anonymous insurance industry official to the Washington Post. "We are talking single digits."
Single digits--that means between one and ten.


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