Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Left tries to link Morton Grove mosque attack to Rep. Joe Walsh

Morton Grove mosque
As I reported Sunday, a Morton Grove man has been accused of firing an air rifle at the Muslim Education Center mosque, which is a half-mile from my home.

Citing zoning and parking issues, a determined group of neighbors has been opposed to the mosque since around 2000, when it became clear that religious services were being held in what was then just a school--and the MEC announced its intentions to build a formal house of worship on the site. Of these opponents, yes it is fair to say that some of them simply don't want a mosque near their home.

But three left-wing news sources, Think Progress, Huffington Post, and Rich Miller's Capitol Fax (no link from me), are tying this incident--no one was hurt, by the way--to recent comments made by Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) about radical Islam.

MEC pellet holes
Now if Think Progress, HuffPo, or Miller bothered to do some research--rather than (I suspect) feeding off of Democratic campaign talking points, they would have learned that the shooting suspect, David Conrad, is part of that group of mosque opponents and has been for a while--long before Walsh became a public figure two years ago.

Morton Grove is not in Walsh's district.

Think Progress and Huffington Post are practicing yellow journalism, but I will give them credit for honesty. Yes, honesty. They're lefty-loons and they don't try to hide it. I respect that--even though in my opinion they are wrong on almost every issue. Miller, on the other hand, is a stealth leftist who attempts to appear non-partisan on Capitol Fax. Like most people, I loathe sneaks. Earlier this year I made the mistake of commenting on what I suspect was a shill post for one of Miller's beloved public-sector unions. I raised a point he didn't care for. His response was, "Bite me." Miller is 50 years old. He regularly threatens to ban commenters who don't play along with him.

Grow up.

Related post:

Man accused of firing air rifle at Morton Grove mosque, UPDATED: With pic of pellet holes

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