Sunday, January 01, 2012

Huntsman video: The Ron Paul Chronicles

You have to give Jon Huntsman credit--he has little to gain personally by attacking Ron Paul. The former Utah governor isn't competing in the Iowa Caucuses and Paul isn't expected to do well in the New Hampshire Primary, where Huntsman has placed his hopes for success. Perhaps Huntsman's motivation is to expose the Texas congressmen as a dangerous extremist--which is what he is.

Cue the Twilight Zone music and the Huntsman campaign video:

"Voters are looking for a candidate they can trust. Ron Paul has a history of incendiary statements that perpetuate fringe views and widely discredited conspiracy theories, and are more twilight zone than presidential leadership," says Huntsman campaign spokesman Tim Miller. "As January 10th approaches, more and more New Hampshire voters are turning to the consistent conservative who can defeat Barack Obama, rebuild our economy and restore trust in our government: Jon Huntsman."

Of the current GOP candidates for president, in end of year issue, National Review named three candidates who "deserve serious consideration": Huntsman, Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum.

Related post:

Huntsman web video on Ron Paul: "Unelectable"

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