Monday, July 25, 2011

T-Paw in Fairfield, Iowa on Tuesday; my 2010 posts about the town

Where Obama met the sun in '07
Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty will hold a meet-and-greet at Fairfield, Iowa's public library on Tuesday. I'm sure it will be standard stuff--and quite unlike then-Senator Barack Obama's 2007 visit--which was timed to synchronize with the sunset--ruining the media's ability to take decent photographs or record usable video because the sun was behind the Anointed One.

Fairfield is home to Maharishi University of Management, which was founded by the late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who was the guru for the Beatles for a short time. The confidence tricksters there claim students and faculty participate in something called yogic flying. It's really just hopping.

About a mile north of Fairfield is Iowa's newest town, Maharishi Vedic City, the self-described capital of the Global Country of World Peace.

Why did Obama synchronize himself with the sun? So he could pander to the Maharishi's followers.

Related posts:

Fairfield and Obama
Maharishi University of Management and Yogic Flyers fighting terrorism
Maharishi Vedic City and the Global Country of World Peace
Marathon Pundit's Iowa I Opener

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