The lesson: Always take guns seriously.
Which is why Project Gunrunner is so shameful. Here's what the fiasco entailed: Also called "Operation Fast and Furious," the idea was for our Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms agency to ship sophisticated weapons--including military assault rifles--to Mexican drug cartels to monitor their flow. ATF is part of the Justice Department, which is of course headed by Eric Holder, President Obama's worst cabinet appointment--and that's saying a lot.
Gun merchants and ATF agents protested and guess what? Most of the weapons weren't tracked, two American law enforcement officials and perhaps dozens of Mexicans are dead.
America, this is your Justice Department.
As Doug Ross reports, Holder lied two months ago when he claimed during sworn testimony that he didn't know about Operation Gunrunner. Jane Jamison notes that the White House is mum in regards to when the president first learned about it.
Funding for Gunrunner was part of the failed Stimulus Bill.
Related post:
Video: Issa on Project Gunrunner subpoena
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