Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thune on lack of a budget from the Senate

My congresscritter, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) spoke at Little Marathon Pundit's school on Tuesday. Had she been called upon to ask her question, this is what the Evanston liberal would have heard:

"Why didn't your party pass a budget last year?"

And as Bill Hemmer pointed out on Fox News this morning, it's been 750 days since the other chamber, the Democrat-controlled Senate, passed a budget. Sen. John Thune (R-SD), elaborates on that failure. The South Dakotan is a member of the Senate Budget Committee.

As for LMP, after the event ended, she did engage in small talk with Schakowsky, remarking that participated in a tour of the Capitol. She was impressed with Speaker John Boehner's green neck tie.

Related posts:

John Thune at CPAC about Reagan and Obama

Schakowsky: Your party should have passed a budget last year

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