Since 2007, when the Democrats took control of Congress, they've tried to push the so-called Employee Free Choice Act, which would eliminate secret ballot elections when workers decide on joining a union.
Are you ready for intimidation? Have you seen On the Waterfront ?
The Workforce Fairness Institute has more:
NLRB Sanctions Card Check, Delivers “Payback”Dana is a large auto parts manufacturer and a Fortune 500 firm.
Washington, D.C. (December 8, 2010) – The Workforce Fairness Institute (WFI) today issued the following statement in response to the National Labor Relation Board’s (NLRB) decision concerning the Dana Corporation:
“The National Labor Relation Board’s ruling simply reaffirms that the Obama Administration has abandoned legislative means to address labor policy and adopted an approach that delivers ‘payback’ via an administrative agency with unelected bureaucrats. In this decision, employers and unions can collude to identify the workers most easily persuaded into forming a collective-bargaining unit having them sign cards, while leaving the remaining half of the workforce without a voice or vote in the process,” said Katie Gage, executive director of the Workforce Fairness Institute (WFI). “This decision eliminates a secret ballot election as a card check process is instituted when union bosses make a deal with employers that may or may not benefit the labor force. Workers and small businesses across the country have long demanded and earned their democratic right to vote free from coercion and intimidation, yet the union bosses’ handpicked advocates in the NLRB sanctioned card check even though the Congress refuses to pass legislation that would do the same. President Obama and his political benefactors in Big Labor are mistaken if they think small businesses will let this un-American decision stand.”
NLRB Rules In Favor Of Card Check:
“Respondents Dana Corporation and International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL–CIO – two parties with a long history of collective bargaining – entered into a Letter of Agreement (LOA or Agreement) setting forth ground rules for additional union organizing, procedures for voluntary recognition upon proof of majority support, and substantive issues that collective bargaining would address if and when Dana recognized the UAW at an unorganized facility. The issues before us are whether, in entering into and maintaining the LOA, Dana rendered unlawful support to the UAW in violation of Section 8(a)(2) and (1) of the Act, and whether the UAW accepted that support in violation of Section 8(b)(1)(A). We conclude that the Agreement was lawful, and we therefore dismiss the complaint.” (Decision, “Dana Corporation And International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, And Agricultural–CIO And Gary L. Smeltzer, Jr. And Joseph Montague And Kenneth A. Gray,” National Labor Relations Board, 12/7/10)
Union Bosses Expect Becker To Use “Administrative Action” To Enact Portions Of Employee ‘Forced’ Choice Act (EFCA): “We are very close to the 60 votes we need. It [sic] we aren’t able to pass the Employee Free Choice Act, we will work with President Obama and Vice President Biden and their appointees to the National Labor Relations Board to change the rules governing forming a union through administrative action...” (Stewart Acuff, “Restoring The Right To Form Unions And Bargain Collectively,” The Huffington Post, 2/3/10)
EFCA Is Political “Payback”:
“Gerald McEntee, president of the influential American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, told The Washington Times in an interview that EFCA was ‘payback’ for the labor movement’s massive campaign effort for Mr. Obama and the Democrats.” (David R. Sands, “Labor’s ‘Priority’ On Back Burner,” The Washington Times, 12/29/08)
The Workforce Fairness Institute is an organization committed to educating voters, employers, employees and citizens about issues affecting the workplace. To learn more, please visit:
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