From a Protect our Heritage PAC press release:
One day after Senate seat hopeful Alexi Giannoulias (D) withdrew from participation in a community forum on "Israel, its Neighbors and the U.S.," Dan Seals, Democratic candidate for the Illinois' 10th district House seat, followed suit.Technorati tags:
The forum, organized by To Protect Our Heritage and sixteen other Jewish organizations, will proceed on Sunday, August 22, 2010 at 6:30 PM at Temple Beth-El, 3610 Dundee Road in Northbrook, IL despite the disappointment that two candidates, who had both committed in March to participate, suddenly pulled out. Rabbi Weissberg, chairman of To Protect Our Heritage, expressed his regret: "The fact that 14 synagogues, Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox, agreed to sponsor one event and that hundreds of people have already registered indicates how important it is to the community to question candidates and hear in-depth responses to critical issues facing Israel and the U.S."
While the Giannoulias campaign cited "previous commitments" as the reason for withdrawing, the Seals campaign attributed the candidates' reversal to the fact that "Alexi Giannoulias' decision not to attend the forum creates an event inherently weighted in favor of the Republican candidates." To Protect Our Heritage, which has conducted candidates' forums for over 25 years, offered Seals repeated assurances that at no time would the candidates for the house seat share the stage with candidates for the senate seat.
In addition To Protect Our Heritage, a bipartisan Political Action Committee whose sole mission is promoting a strong U.S.-Israel relationship by working for congressional support, event sponsors include AFSI/Americans for a Safe Israel, American Zionist Movement, B.J.B.E. (Deerfield), Congregation K.I.N.S. (Chicago), Skokie Valley Agudath Jacob (Skokie), Darchei Noam Synagogue of Glenbrook (Northbrook, Glenview),Herut/Likud Zionists of Chicago, Jewish War Veterans Post 29, Ezra-Habonim/Niles Township Congregation (Skokie), Strategic Studies Discussion Group (Highland Park),Temple Beth-El (Northbrook),Temple Chai (Long Grove), Kadima Congregation (Deerfield), Beth Hillel Congregation/B'nai Emunah (Wilmette),Temple Emanuel (Chicago), and Vashe Radio.
Since the Seals announcement, several former Democratic legislators have been in discussions with the Seals and Giannoulias campaigns in an effort to convince both Democratic candidates of the public value and fairness of the forums, in which only constituents, not candidates or press, ask the questions. Although neither candidate has yet reconsidered his decision, Peggy Shapiro, co-chair of To Protect Our Heritage, hopes, "They will avail themselves of this opportunity to show up and speak about the US-Israel relationship. If they do, they will be welcomed."
The issues are too critical and the time too important to back out now.
Call Alexi Giannoulias (312) 738-6190 and Dan Seals (847) 945-8900: Tell them how much the fate of Israel and its relationship to the U.S. matter to you and how important it is to hear in depth responses from candidates who seek to represent you.
CANDIDATES' FORUM One: 10th District House Seat and US Senate Seat
When: Sunday, August 22 6:30 pm
Where: Temple Beth El
3610 Dundee Road
Northbrook , IL
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