Friday, June 25, 2010

Obama: The audacity of not listening

A consistent theme of the ObamaCare administration and its congressional-enablers is that they don't listen to the American people. As with most liberals, they believe they are smarter than you. Only they understand the issues. Since they are wiser, it is beneath them to be concerned about the needs of the "small people." ObamaCare becoming law and cap-and-trade passing the House of Representatives are the most egregious instances of Washington arrogance.

There are more recent examples. On Tuesday the Obama Administration announced its intention to purchase the nearly empty maximum-security prison in Thomson, Illinois--with the ultimate goal of turning into a "Gitmo North" facility for committed jihadists. A majority of Illinoisans don't want that to happen, and most Americans agree with them. Amazingly, Congress also opposes Gitmo North, but Sen. Dick Durbin hopes to change that, touting a "one-step-at-a-time" effort as Obama tries to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. I haven't figured out how Obama plans to acquire the state-owned prison from Illinois with out congressional-funding, but the Chosen One just might be able to weave straw into gold.

In a knee-jerk sop to their far-left base, the White House ordered a six-month moratorium on deep-water drilling in response to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill--threatening the livelihood of thousands. A federal district court judge struck down the moratorium on Monday--he said it was "overbearing," but this afternoon the Obama Justice Department appealed that ruling. However, the majority of Americans wants to continue drilling offshore.


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