Pay it back, one of these days
Elvis Costello, "Pay it Back,"
And in regards to unions and the Obama administration, the moment to "pay it back" Elvis Costello sung about so many years ago may be here, as Katie Packer tells us in Townhall. It involves radical labor lawyer Craig Becker, who President Obama nominated to serve on the National Labor Relations Board.
Despite the fact that the U.S. Senate voted down Becker's nomination in a bipartisan fashion, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis told members of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) at their annual meeting in Disney World that they would receive "positive news" concerning Becker's nomination.
The announcement comes just as the AFL-CIO makes public its intention to spend millions of dollars during the 2010 election cycle in support of pro-labor candidates. In fact, they are committing more money than they spent to help elect Obama, which was at least $53 million dollars.
In total, Big Labor dropped half a billion dollars in 2008 electing the current leadership on Capitol Hill and in the White House.
The truth is that the Employee 'Forced' Choice Act would do immeasurable harm to America in terms of both workplace productivity and worker freedom. Labor bosses understand with EFCA’s passage they stand to gain billions of dollars in additional union dues and even more significant, forced unionization would bail out their bankrupt pension plans, while placing crushing debt on the backs of small businesses.
EFCA, if put in force, will be a jobs-killer. Businesses of course hate it, and would be even more reluctant to hire new workers if they may become burdened with a unionized workforce. Besides, EFCA means higher unemployment.
What happened to Obama's "laser focus" on jobs? Meanwhile, the economy shed $36,000 jobs last month.
Related post:
WFI video: Unions bosses converge on Disney World
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