Who is Becker?
He's a longtime labor lawyer who has worked for the AFL-CIO and SEIU. In his writings, he has theorized that government agencies, such as the National Labor Relations Board, could circumvent Congress and enforce job-killing initiatives such as "card check," which would replace secret ballot elections with "free-to-peek" petition drives.
A non-partisan study found that card check could destroy millions of jobs--including 600,000 in 2010 alone.
If you ran a business, would you be bullish on hiring people with card check peeking around the corner?
Becker is going through a Senate confirmation process--because the president nominated him to serve on, you guessed it, the National Labor Relations Board. Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE), still smarting from the Cornhusker Kickback fiasco, has vowed to join a Republican filibuster of Becker.
If Becker's nomination fails, the fret is not over for business, which abhors uncertainty. Would Obama then nominate a Becker-lite or a stealth-Becker?
On the other hand, if the president selects an anti-card check nominee, that might convince business owners that the recession will end.
Hopefully the adminisration will figure this out. But since so few people in the Obama White House have worked in the private-sector, I have my doubts.
A message to Democrats: Prove me wrong.
But SEIU is incorrigible. Washington News Alert is reporting that Jeri Thompson, wife and radio co-host of Fred Thompson, has a copy of an e-mail showing that SEIU had avannce notice on key Becker votes.
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