Springfield, IL – January 7, 2010 – Jason Plummer, Republican candidate for Lt. Governor announced that if elected, he would not accept a state paycheck or benefits until Illinois’ unemployment rate falls below double digits. He made the announcement at a Springfield debate sponsored by the Illinois Republican Party to demonstrate his commitment to getting Illinois working again.
Plummer announced his “No Pay Pledge” and invited other elected officials and candidates to join him in showing a collective commitment to creating new and meaningful jobs in Illinois.
“I will not accept a governmental paycheck or benefit package until unemployment dips below double digits and until I am convinced that Illinois is on its way to economic recovery. If other elected officials take my lead, I am confident that they will develop a sense of urgency and a level of empathy. I am confident attitudes in Springfield will change and together we can hasten Illinois’ economic recovery and create jobs,” Plummer announced.
“I believe there is a huge disconnect between what unemployment is doing to families throughout Illinois and the isolated bubble that is Springfield government,” according to Plummer. “I’m not sure that our elected officials truly get the fact that families are struggling or failing to pay their bills and make the property tax or mortgage payment,” he added.
“I also know that most taxpayers, myself included, believe that many of the problems we are facing are due to years of ineffective and corrupt government,” Plummer continued. “This is the time for elected officials to step-up and share the pain. Our leaders and representatives in Springfield shouldn’t be the first in line to get a paycheck; they should be the last,” he stated.
To encourage a speedy and long lasting economic recovery, Plummer also said he would draw from his business experience and use the office of Lt. Governor as a bully pulpit to help create new and meaningful jobs and revitalize the Illinois economy.
“Additionally, I will work with employers, both small and large, to help remove the bureaucratic roadblocks that unnecessarily hinder their ability to grow their businesses and provide job opportunities and career growth to the hardworking people of Illinois,” Plummer concluded.
Illinois' unemployment rate is currently 10.9 percent.
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Ill. GOP lt gov candidate Jason Plummer setting a good example
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