Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Jim Ryan calls on Quinn to hold a series of public hearings on Gitmo North

Former Illinois Attorney General Jim Ryan, a Republican candidate for governor whom this blog has endorsed, is calling for a series of public hearing on transferring Guantanamo Bay terrorists to the Thomson prison in northwestern Illinois.

Here is Ryan's statement:

Slow down, Governor Quinn. Moving al-Qaeda terrorists into Illinois should not be done after only a single public hearing three days before Christmas. Governor Quinn, be true to your word and let the people speak. If citizens are really in charge in Illinois, then give them an opportunity to speak their mind on this important issue. Schedule a series of real public hearings after the first of the year to allow us to have our say.

Polls already show a majority of Illinoisans disapprove of the transfer. The public
understands that moving some of the most dangerous people in the world to our state
could makes us more of a target. This is no time to play politics and ramrod through a decision that appears already to have been made. If you are sincere about allowing the public to speak, you will schedule meaningful public hearings.

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