Most of these people were caring for family members. What was in it for the unions? More dues money to advance their political agenda.
Pam Harris, who looks after her disabled son, sent me an e-mail with the results of the election that would determine which union, if any, would represent people like her:
The unions lost, the people won:
SEIU received 293 votes
AFSCME received 220 votes
NO UNION received 1018 votes
Michelle Malkin has more.
Related post:
The insidousness of SEIU
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Thank you for all of your support. I am certain it contributed to our success.
Praise the Lord! All the home health care workers dodged a big bullet on this one.
Great work, everyone.
Love you in the video MP from Mill Park Sat!
I wanted to go, but was tied up, glad the weather finally cooperated. God Bless
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