Wednesday, June 17, 2009

UK government health care nightmare: Gypsies first

I'm well aware that the Romany people, better known as gypsies, face an enormous amount of discrimination and scorn both here and in Europe.

One exception to that situation is in Mrs. Marathon Pundit's native Latvia, where gypsies were not afraid to stand up for themselves in the face of Soviet repression. Their resoluteness earned them respect which they enjoy today.

Gypsies, as well as the the traveller people, may not be getting more respect in Great Britain, but it's getting them in the front of the line for medical care in the UK--and those lines are very long.

Here's what the Daily Mail says:

Gipsies and travellers should be given priority in NHS (National Health Service) hospitals and GP surgeries, doctors have been told.

They will be fast-tracked for doctors, nurses and even some dentist appointments above all other patients.

GPs have also been told to see any travellers who simply walk in without an appointment, even if all consultation times for the day are full.

They will also be given longer consultations than other patients. Five or ten minutes is the average but travellers will be given 20 minutes and allowed to bring relatives into the consulting rooms.

Medical staff will receive cultural awareness training as well.

Isn't that mandatory for everyone in Labour-ruled Britain?

Gypsies (I kept the British spelling in the excerpt) and travellers generally have poorer health than other Britons. But jumping in front of the line is not the answer.

There's a lesson here for Americans. Our population is more diverse, and we have countless affirmative action laws in place. A decade or two from now, someone from a less-healthy ethnic group might be seen ahead of you while you wait...wait...and wait for a doctor.

Even if you are sicker.

Call me an alarmist if you'd like. But just one year ago, who would've predicted that the federal government would hold a majority stake in General Motors.

Related posts:

Government health care in Britain: Men more at risk from cancer deaths than women

Universal health care warning: Pregnant Englishwoman denied free dental exam--because she can't prove pregnancy

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1 comment:

pathickey said...

The Knackers is fine folks, once the Caravan has moved to Tralee.