It's what I call the "Free to Peek" act.
But will it create jobs? One study says "No."
The Workforce Fairness Institute today warned Congress not to pass the Employee Free 'Forced' Choice Act (EFCA) given a new study by noted economist Dr. Anne Layne-Farrar which reveals every three percentage points gained in union membership through card checks and mandatory arbitration would result in a one percentage point rise in the unemployment the following year.
The Employee ‘Forced’ Choice Act would take away a workers' right to cast a secret ballot in union elections and allow the federal government to impose a contract on businesses which don’t yield to union demands within 90 days. The federal government would be able to saddle businesses with federal bureaucrats dictating workplace salaries, benefits, and rules.
According to the new study, An Empirical Assessment of the Employee Free Choice Act: The Economic Implications, an increase of 1.5 million union members in year one would lead to the loss of 600,000 jobs by the following year. Job losses directly attributed to the passage of the EFCA would be equal to the entire population of Boston, MA.
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1 comment:
Card Check is merely the opening of the waltz - SEIU and George Soros who helps fund their advocacy initiatves want to end Bureau of Apprenticeship Councils in all fifty States.
BACs mean - each trade determines the rules and regulations for Apprenticeship programs.
SEIU, Soros and the Progressives want State Apprenticeship Councils where the local Emil Jones determines the rules and regulations.
Trades Unions playing ball with SEIU are cutting their own throats.
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