Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Geraldo loses his mind...

I mentioned this yesterday in one of my Rod Blagojevich posts. Fox News Channel's Geraldo Rivera is reliving one of the happiest moments of his life, his months-long defense of Bill Clinton on his old CNBC nightly show.

Like Neil Cavuto, I'm not an attorney (as Geraldo is.) And I don't believe Blago should have been impeached for his goofy vaccine scheme. Barack Obama's onetime rival, Sen. Rickey Hendon (D-Chicago) expresses a similar sentiment, and Professor William A. Jacobson concurs.

Yes, the governor's lawyers (Oops, Blagojevich didn't send what's left of his legal team to Springfield) can't call witnesses linked to the Patrick Fitzgerald's ongoing criminal probe, but let me remind the governor and his defenders that serving public office is a privilege, one that Blagojevich clearly abused.

This Chicago Sun-Times editorial puts Blago's complaints, using the governor's favorite phrase, into context.

H/T to Capitol Fax.

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Levois said...

For being a trash talk show host and then turning around to pretend being a journalist, I already thought he's lost his mind!

pathickey said...

That Jerry Rivers has more credibility in his little finger than Capt. Hook . . .never mind.

CNB said...

Geraldo, raise your right hand and swear to God that you believe Rod Blagojevich is innocent, and that you know more about the IL Senate's case against him than they do.

Jim Roper said...

Anybody remember the time Geraldo
P-O'd somebody, and got a broken
nose for his trouble??