Jones is the outgoing Illinois State Senate Majority Leader, and is one of the few politicians in Illinois who is close to Governor Rod Blagojevich.
After winning the Democratic Primary in February, Jones "suddenly" decided to retire. Chicago ward and suburban township committeemen, likely egged on by Jones, chose Emil Jones III to take dad's place on the ballot.
Jones' stepson, John Sterling, has shown a unique "talent" in winning state business for his computer consulting firm.
Blagojevich, who like Jones is a Chicago Democrat, will choose the person who will serve the remaining two years of Obama's Senate term.
In 2003, Blago's administration put a rule in place that the head of the Illinois Department of Health Service's mental health division must be an M.D. That rule was rescinded two years later, so Jones' wife, a psychologist, could run the division.
If Fox News is correct and Jones replaces Obama, he could be just a place-holder until 2010. Because Jones would be a delicious target for Republicans if he chooses to run for a full Senate term.
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The con is on in Obama-land: Emil Jones' son takes dad's place on the ballot
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Snobama Snobama Snobama.
Now when Ol' Emil said,'I'mm gonna make me A Senator!' . . .he wasn't kidding!
Good point.
Is this an April Fool's joke?
Our governor is so crazy, I wouldn't be shocked if he appointed Bill Ayers.
So everybody is engage in the whole our governor is crazy talk. I never thought he was crazy, I just thought he wasn't very bright.
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