This Durbin consituent has a question for the Springfield Democrat this evening:
Will you, Mr. Durbin, use your power a US Senator to restrict freedom or expand it?
In regards to "card check," the central component of the so-called "Employee Free Choice Act," Durbin is in favor of restricting freedom. So is Nancy Pelosi. Both Democratic Congressional leaders appear in the below ad, one that CBS refuses to air, probably because Pelosi is a guest on the show.
CBS: Not fair, not balanced.
Related post:
Dems' secret ballot hypocrisy
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Dan Rather was there.
On what premise did they refuse to air the ad?
Possibly Polosi. aka Bailout
Fromg Breibart TV:
"Americans for Job Security attempted to advertise on the CBS Network but our advertisement titled 'Secret' was denied. It is one part of a serious and ongoing public policy debate on the Employee Free Choice Act. According to our media buyers, CBS officials cited the appearance of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom the advertisement shows in visual form only, as one of the primary reasons for the denial of the advertisement. One CBS representative felt that viewers would be 'confused' by its contents within their program. The advertisement was approved by other broadcast networks."
"One CBS representative felt that viewers would be 'confused' by its contents within their program."
How stupid does one have to be to watch CBS, knowing that they feel they have a right to determine what you are allowed to know. Isn't that the same thing that Castro does with the media in Cuba?
Castro needs to hang it up!
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