The Dems' anger has cooled off. Adding extinguishing fuel to the fire is Forbes' Magazine's listing of America's most generous companies.
The No. 1 most generous company overall, Wal-Mart Stores, gave away $301 million in 2007, including total cash donations from the company foundation, and excluding free product and service offerings, otherwise called "in-kind" donations. That amounts to 1.3% of the company's 2006 operating income.
Beneficiaries of Wal-Mart's goodwill include the Children's Miracle Network, America's Second Harvest, the Salvation Army, the American Red Cross, the United Way of America and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
Second was the Bank of America, owner the Chicago Marathon, which I ran two Sundays ago.
Related post:
Scenes from the 2008 Chicago Marathon--from a participant
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