Tuesday, October 14, 2008

McCain: Ayers will air during debate

John McCain told KMOX Radio in St. Louis that Barack Obama's "why don't you say it to my face" comment about his terrorist friend, Bill "Bomber" Ayers, will ensure the onetime Weather Underground leader will come up in tomorrow's presidential debate in Long Island.

I call that a good start. McCain--no make that the moderator--should bring up ACORN, Obama's decade-and-half relationship with Antoin "Tony" Rezko, and the mysterious Obama endorsement of Alexi Giannoulias for Illinois state treasurer.

Both Obama and McCain have promised they'd retain Patrick Fitzgerald, the US Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, on the job of rooting out political corruption. Fitzgerald's office prosecuted Rezko, former governor George Ryan (a Republican), dozens of city of Chicago officials snared in the Hired Truck Scandal, and is by all accounts investigating Rod Blagojevich, the current governor of the state--and a Democrat.

No one seriously doubts McCain will back out of his promise. After all, no one close to the Arizona senator has, shall I say, "attracted the interest" of Fitzgerald.

Obama is another matter.

After all, once he clinched the Democratic nomination, Obama famously flipped-flopped on the FISA bill, which the junior senator from my state declared he would filibuster when the outcome of the nomination battle was in doubt.

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