Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ayers, Ayers, everywhere

There are some Bill Ayers updates tonight. America's best known unrepentant terrorist--and one of Barack Obama's many notorious friends--has many "fans" in the blogosphere.

Before Ayers became a household name, the current distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois-Chicago added to his income with speaking appearances. Presumably he'd talk about his far-left education theories, and the good-old days of placing bombs in public places and declaring war on the same government his pal Obama might run beginning on January 20.

My guess is that he and his wife, the equally unrepentant Bernardine Dohrn, planned to make plenty of these this year--with the theme "1968--forty years later," or something like that.

In fact, here's a February post of mine about just such an engagement:

Weather Underground's 2008 Tragical History Tour

But fate and Barack Obama intervened, and the onetime Weather Underground leaders have gone, pretty much underground.

But after Election Day--so not to ruin Obama's presidential hopes, Bill Ayers was planning a coming-out party at the University of Nebraska. But Michelle Malkin got wind of it, and his invitation was revoked. There is justice in America.

Moron Ayers: Blogger Verum Serum reports that Obama and Ayers shared office space at the University of Illinois-Chicago while he chaired the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

One of Ayers' buddies with the Students for a Democratic Society, Mike Klonsky, went from driving a cab (he did have an education Ph.D), to working in that same UIC office.

Here's my post on the SDS "Dispirit of '68" nostalgia orgy:

SDS' 1968 Tragical History Tour

And here is Tom Mannis' post from The Bench. He did all of the work.

As for Ayers relationship with Obama, he's more than "a guy who lives in my neighborhood." He's a guy from the office, too.

Finally, Zomblog tracked down the picture up on top, where Obama enthuses over Ayers' book, A Kind and Just Parent: The Children of Juvenile Court.

Sure, John McCain has been a public servant for twenty years, but why isn't anything remotely like this being discovered about the Arizona senator two weeks before Election Day?

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pathickey said...

Everywhere but. . .The University of Nebraska!

Go CornHuskers!

Anonymous said...

Why does John McCain accept money from people who "pal around with terrorists" (even if that guy is "washed up", as McCain claims)?

Make up your minds, my conservatively partisan friends.

Either Ayers is ok and Republicans can take money from his colleagues or he's not ok and your party and candidates will return those thousands and thousands of dollars.

Marathon Pundit said...

Did Obama attend a "coming out" party at that Republican's house? Is that GOP member an unrepentant terrorist?

Anonymous said...

...Obama launched that State Senate run at a Ramada Inn, contrary to the Republicans' lies about Ayers' living room. And Obama got $200 from Ayers - considering there's no limit on state campaign donations that's piddly compared to the thousands that Ayers' other colleagues on that board gave to the GOP and its candidates.

Got anything else you need to learn about?

...And, perhaps you didn't understand, those Republicans were "palling around with an unrepentant terrorist" and then donated thousands of dollars to McCain, Mark Kirk, Andy McKenna, the RNC, etc.

So, to use your own party's spin, why are McCain and other Republicans taking money from folks who "pal around with unrepentant terrorists"?


John, perhaps the reason you're avoiding answering the question is because McCain's spin on the issue is ridiculous and needlessly over-the-top.