ANNCR: Barack Obama. Born of the corrupt Chicago political machine.
BARACK OBAMA: In terms of my toughness, look first of all, I come from Chicago.
ANNCR: His economic adviser, William Daley. Lobbyist. Mayor's brother.
His money man, Tony Rezko. Client. Patron. Convicted Felon.
His "political godfather." Emil Jones. Under ethical cloud.
His governor, Rod Blagojevich. A legacy of federal and state investigations.
With friends like that, Obama is not ready to lead.
I agree. It's only a thirty second spot, so the ad couldn't get all the other villains in, such as Todd Stroger and Alexi Giannoulias. Perhaps they're being saved for a future spot.
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Pretty lame ad, Rubes. Why did they not talk to people like you and Anne and Bill Barr?
Obama's Chicago: 7 shot in 6 hours on South Side.,0922shootings.article Yep, he was a real agent for change as a communnity organizer.
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