I did a lot of walking and looking around today in the beautiful city of St. Paul.
What was not so attractive was a group of two dozen Code Pink radicals. With television cameras following, there were marching up and down the downtown. Pictured on the left, in front center is Code Pink director Medea Benjamin. To the right of Benjamin is Larry Sinclair, who has some, shall I say, interesting allegations about Barack Obama. He is not a Code Pink member. On the far right is someone who I believe is among the upper echelon of the Code Pink leadership, I don't know her name, but I nicknamed her Howard Stern.
They were singing songs such as "I Miss America," to the tune of "God Bless Ameria," and yelling out some hateful chant about how Republicans oppose abortion so kids could grow up and then die in Iraq. Lovely. On the right in the big hat is Barack Obama bundler Jodie Evans. Her sache says "I Miss America." Apparently the honor is a cheap one, since plenty of other Code Pinkers are honored with the title. There's an "I Miss Liberty" too.
And there are male members of Code Pink. But the Code Pink guys don't wear leashes. Behind Mr. Pink is that "bundle of joy" Evans.
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