John Edwards' political career ended a few minutes ago when he admitted to
ABC News that he engaged in an extramarital affair with 42-year old California filmmaker Rielle Hunter. Edwards however, denies reports that he is the father of her child, who was born in February.
Last year the former Democratic presidential candidate's wife, Elizabeth, suffered a relapse of cancer.
Americans are a forgiving people, but won't be with a man who cheats on his cancer-stricken wife.
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John Edwards
current affairs
Nice hair.
The end of John Edwards, I don't thinks so; he is too craven. I would hope he would dedicate all his time to his family. I suppose their private affairs are none of our business. Newt, Foley, L. Craig, Livingston, Vitter, Spitzer, McGrevey, Packwood, Clinton – there is a long list of public people with personal failings. I am not put off by the act or the lying (What do they have to lose at that point?), and as a general rule, I don’t think adultery should be a disqualifier for office. What is repellent to me is the hypocrisy, the cravenness that they hold on to power after being caught, and the humiliation their spouses have to endure when used as props when they make public admissions. They are self-absorbed malignant narcissists. Bob Packwood ran for reelection. Bob Livingston did it right; he got caught and resigned in hours. I did notice McCain gave a firm no comment to an Edwards affair.
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