I like the irony here:
Gov. Rod Blagojevich is relying heavily on state-tied donors to pay off massive legal bills in the face of a federal corruption investigation -- a probe that focuses on the very link between state contracts and such fund-raising.
• State contractors chipped in at least 55 percent of the $1.5 million Blagojevich raised from individual donors in the last half of 2007.
• Those contractors reaped nearly $6 billion in state business since Blagojevich took office in 2003.
• Road builders and construction companies were the most lucrative source of the campaign cash -- $455,750.
• Companies or individuals who rely on the state for favorable EPA rulings, utility regulation or professional licensing made up 13 percent of donations, or $202,701.
• Lobbyists gave $72,500 to the governor's campaign and accounted for 6 percent of all donors. Blagojevich has railed against lobbyists in "Gucci loafers" as the reason nothing gets done at the statehouse.
It's the culture of cronyism in Illinios nicely condensed in a few paragraphs.
As they should, the Hillary Clinton campaign is connections to Tony Rezko. In the general election, John McCain, assuming Obama wins the nomination, can go after the entire "pay-for-play" scandal without worrying about hurting the feelings of some Illinios Democrats.
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