As Lynn Sweet wrote in her Chicago Sun-Times column on Saturday:
Obama has never agreed to an interview about Rezko with the reporters from the Chicago papers who know the story the best, and it has not been for lack of trying. My Sun-Times colleagues who are investigating Rezko have pressed for a chance to talk to Obama about Rezko.
Fast forward to today. From the Chicago Tribune's Swamp blog:
On the opening day of the federal corruption trial of Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a pack of Chicago reporters descended here today to grill Sen. Barack Obama about his relationship with the real estate developer.
Well good for them.
Once again, Obama had the audacity not to answer such questions as how many fundraisers did Rezko organize for the him, or who attended them.
More from The Swamp:
"These requests, I think, can just go on forever," he said. "What we've just tried to do is respond to what's pertinent."
"If there are additional questions, we'll be happy to answer them," he said.
He then recognized a local reporter who changed the subject.
As the news conference came to an end and reporters continued to shout questions about Rezko, Obama said it was time to move on. "We're running late," he said.
You sure are, Senator. Since November, 2006, we've been trying to get firm answers from you about your friend Rezko.
Eleven months ago, the Sun-Times' Tim Novak wrote a story about Rezko's ties to Obama, specifically the legal work his law firm did for the now-jailed developer, especially slum buildings located in Obama's state Senate district. NBC 5 Chicago's Carol Marin tried to get the Cult of Change leader to answer questions about that report, but he dodged her, as this YouTube video shows.
The moment is not now for Obama.
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The longer he takes ..., the worse it will get.
Take your time, Bam Bam, it only helps McCain.
Non story
If it's a non story, then why is everyone but the New York Times is covering it.
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