Friday, February 15, 2008

Obama's Cult of Change doesn't include transparency

It's going to be a fun autumn. Political consultant Howard Wolfson, who is the communications director for the Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign, had this to say yesterday about the leader of the Cult of Change, Barack Obama:

Much is known about (HRC's) finances. There's an awful lot of information disclosed by her, and if Senator Obama is actually, really interested in transparency, there are many questions -- for instance, about his relationship with indicted political fixer Tony Rezko that he could answer, that he has not. What was the exact nature of his relationship with Mr. Rezko? How many fundraisers did Mr. Rezko throw for him? How much money did Mr. Rezko bundle for him? How many business meetings did Senator Obama attend that Mr. Rezko was at? What was he doing at those business meetings? What favors did Senator Obama perform for Mr. Rezko? So there's an awful lot of information that, if Senator Obama is interested in transparency, that he could come forward and offer the American people.

Related post:

Obama and the Cult of Change

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on-the-rocks said...

Well, do you think the Clintons are going to make a desperation move to stop Obama and wind up splitting up the Democrat Party?

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could forward this on to Wolfson:

But I don't expect the truth will get in Hillary's way or yours John.

Marathon Pundit said...

Ah, my next topic. Funny...why Burton, instead of Obama answering.