From the Chicago Sun-Times:
Indicted businessman Tony Rezko’s lawyers are asking a federal judge to bar from the political fund-raiser’s fraud trial extensive lists of hiring recommendations made by political figures to Gov. Blagojevich’s administration.
Rezko lawyers noted that federal prosecutors have submitted as evidence 26 pages of "clout lists" that identify people who Rezko and other political figures wanted placed in the governor’s administration.
Those lists show that dozens of people, including Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama, Senate President Emil Jones (D-Chicago) and House Minority Leader Tom Cross (R-Oswego), recommended people for jobs and appointments to state boards and commissions.
Don't hold your breath for a detailed explanation from the Obama campaign.
UPDATE February 22:
From the Chicago Tribune, free registration may be required:
In addition, a former Democratic congressional candidate now on Barack Obama's presidential campaign staff in Chicago was listed as getting help from Rezko in 2003 and 2004, when he was seeking jobs in the Blagojevich administration.
Peter Dagher, who ran unsuccessfully against Rahm Emanuel in 2002, never landed a staff job despite the alleged assistance of Rezko. Dagher said in a brief written statement that he did not know that Rezko had recommended him for a job and that he barely knew him.
"I interviewed for about a half-dozen jobs with the state, none of which I got," said Dagher, who was an aide to Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater in the Clinton administration.
Obama's name also appeared on the other list as an apparent political sponsor for a candidate to a state insurance board. There was no indication that the candidate got that or any other position.
Admittedly, on its own, this isn't huge stuff against Obama. But it' just another piece in the Rezko-Obama puzzle. And Obama is supposed to be above "politics as usual." And so far, there appears to be just one Obama recommendation on this list, many other names are familiar to those following the Rezko scandal, such as Dr. Paul Ray and Joseph Aramanda--men who donated to Obama's campaign. Aramanda's and Paul's contributions were later donated to charity.
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1 comment:
You will get none of this on the Lame Stream Media. They are too deeply invested in the democrat party crime themselves.
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