Thursday, January 24, 2008

Obama to appear on the O'Reilly Factor

In addition to the heat I've put on Barack Obama about his not-completely-explained connections to Antoin "Tony" Rezko, I've been hard on his for participating in the unofficial boycott of the Fox News Channel by the Democratic presidential candidates. Hillary Rodham Clinton did appear on "Fox & Friends" last fall, but the others are more interested, as I've remarked in the past, in pandering to the "netroots" at the Daily Kos.

I had to catch it on the second play, because when I saw it the first time, I thought I was hearing things. But I heard it right the first time: While discussing the Democratic race during the O'Reilly Factor during the show's "Dhue Point" segment, Laurie Dhue said to Bill that Barack Obama has agreed to appear on the the top-rated cable news show "sometime after Super Tuesday."

O'Reilly replied that he hopes Hillary Clinton does the same thing.

UPDATE January 25: Third Wave Dave says that Obama appeared on Fox & Friends last week.

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