Sunday, July 01, 2007

A rotten way to spend July 4: Free Mumia rally in Philly

A group calling itself the International Concerned Family Friends of Mumia Abu Jamal plans to defile July 4 in the city where our nation began, Philadelphia, where they will hold a rally in support of the former Black Panther and convicted cop killer.

From the Free Mumia web site:

On July 4 ICFFMAJ will be on the streets in Philly, as we have each July 4 since Mumia's sentence was first declared. We need you all there. But don't just come for Mumia. Come with banners for the Cuban 5, come with posters for Leonard Peltier, come with information on the battles for the Puerto Rican Independentistas, come with flags for Venezuela, Cuba, Palestine, and other occupied territories in resistance, come with fists clenched in support of Cindy Sheehan and against this terroristic war, come with tee-shirts recognizing your incarcerated cousin, sibling, spouse, COME in UNITY, SOLIDARITY, against this rotten system!

One thing the Left needs to learn is focus. It seems rather than zero in on Mumia, they bring in every cause they can think of short of ex-DePaul Professor Norman G. Finkelstein.

As for Mumia himself. The evidence is pretty convincing that Mumia murdered Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981.

Yet he remains a cause célèbre to the Left. Of late Mumia has, by telephone of course, given commencement addresses at some university graduations. Ohio's Antioch College was one of those schools, but Mumia's magic touch won't keep the Antioch from closing down next summer.

Here's hoping for a sewer back-up in the neighborhood of this rally on Wednesday.

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