Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Klueless Kerry: Ukraine battles not part of East-West struggle

John Kerry contemplating
global warming
In the 1980s, when President Ronald Reagan was putting the pieces in place for America and the West to defeat the Soviet Union in the Cold War, John Kerry was campaigning against many of the weapon systems that were being developed that would not only bring the Evil Empire to the bargaining table, but would also be used in subsequent Middle East wars. Kerry was cozy the the nuclear freeze crowd too.

So no serious people should heed of Kerry while he takes time out of Chicken Little global warming bellowing to make the ludicrous claim that the current struggle in Ukraine is not an East-West struggle--in other words, it isn't Vladimir Putin against the European Union and America.

Except for advice on how to marry for money, no one should ever listen to John Kerry.

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