The man holding the USSR flag later marched in the May Day parade next to a flag with the images of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, and Josef Stalin.
The Soviet Union murdered tens of millions of its citizens.
The Occupy movement is not mainstream.
Earlier posts:
Occupy Chicago May Day photo: Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn
Occupy Chicago May Day video: Teamsters boss swats down my camera
Occupy Chicago May Day video: 'Rent-a-mob' protesters
Video: Anarchists march with Occupy Chicago on May Day
Video: Occupy Chicago taunts mounted police officers
Occupy Chicago May Day march pics you won't see in the establishment media
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1 comment:
Hello, I have a few questions.
First, what is the purpose of saying that "Occupy" is not mainstream? Aren't you conservatives always complaining about the "mainstream" media and claiming that the mainstream is dominated by liberals and political correctness? This seems utterly pointless.
The other point I wanted to make was about the claim that the USSR murdered 10's of millions of its own citizens. I have studied Soviet history for years, including the work which has been done on formerly secret archival material. There is no hard evidence to support the claim that the USSR murdered so many people. In fact, the number of executions from 1921-54 was under 1 million people.
The methodology used to create claims of 20 million murdered(or higher) ranges from counting all excess deaths as "murdered", to using bad population projections(thus counting as murdered many who were never born), to blaming the government of the USSR for the death of people who died under conditions which had existed in Russia for centuries(ie underdevelopment).
If you can read Russian(and any serious student of Soviet history these days should be able to), you can see the figures on the repressions here: (Replace the DOT)
What is often ignored, is what socialism did for the USSR, from doubling the lifespan, to granting women's rights, to modernizing one of the world's most backward nations in the space of a few decades while destroying European fascism(70%-80% of German forces were destroyed on the Eastern front). Indeed, the USSR created nations where there were none before. The nations of Central Asia, as well as Ukraine and Belarus, were largely the creation of the Soviet government. More importantly one should consider what they lost. I have seen this firsthand. It has been called an unprecedented event: the de-modernization of a country.
Anyway, that's all I wanted to correct. Enjoy life on the losing side of history.
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