Cortez, Colorado |
CNBC: Demonstrators plan to occupy retailers on Black Friday
CNBC: Tea Party activists challenge 'Occupy Black Friday' with 'BUYcott Black Friday'
Gateway Pundit: #OWS Mob targets Macy’s midnight opening – chants "Shame, shame, shame!" at holiday shoppers (Audio)
The Other McCain: #Occupy Black Friday?
Marathon Pundit on Yahoo! Contributor Network: Occupy Wall Street is no Tea Party
The Blaze: Busted: #Occupy Buffalo leader caught in numerous lies about his military service
FrontPageMag: Don't pepper spray them, expel them
Althouse: Pepper-sprayed protesters had "encircled" the police and told them "if they wanted to clear the path they would have to go through us"
Daily Caller: Left-wing organizing kingpin: Tea partiers out-organized Occupy Wall Street
CBC: Occupy Edmonton camp swept by police
CBC: Montreal police move in on Occupy camp
CBC: Occupy Toronto says movement isn't dead
Reuters: Occupy L.A. protesters brace for eviction next week
CBS Denver: State Patrol releases Occupy Denver cost numbers
Fox News: Weapons cache found during Zuccotti Park cleanup, sources say
Gateway Pundit: #Occupy Wall Street to cut benefit album – with rich lefty singers & Michael Moore
Ace Showbiz: Miley Cyrus supports Occupy movement in 'Liberty Walk' video
Say Anything Blog: Occupy Wall Street, The music video. Satire!
Weasel Zippers: Occupy Miami founder led rally chanting "Nuke Israel" and "Go back to the oven"
Gateway Pundit: OWS protesters celebrate Thanksgiving by harassing & spitting on cops
Big Government: *UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The rap sheet, so far
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