From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL), the House Chief Deputy Whip:
Roskam Applauds House Passage of the Cement Sector Regulatory Relief ActThe office of Roskam's fellow Illinois House Republican, Adam Kinzinger, also issued a statement:
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Peter Roskam (IL-06), Chief Deputy Whip, issued the following statement after the House passed H.R. 2681, the Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act of 2011. Earlier this week at the GOP Stakeout, Roskam spoke about two job creators whose businesses will be directly hurt if these Washington-imposed regulations go into place. You can watch that here. Read Speaker Boehner’s blog post about them including Roskam’s remarks by clicking here.
The House has taken important action to stop the EPA's job-destroying Cement MACT rules. It is imperative the Senate takes up this legislation immediately to save American jobs. The Cement MACT rules is just the latest example of Washington-imposed excessive regulations by unelected bureaucrats that will result in fewer American jobs.
Americans want our economy to recover and for Washington to implement commonsense regulatory policies that give businesses certainty and allow them to exist, grow, and innovate. We can turn this economy around, but only if we start removing unnecessary regulations that are barriers to private-sector job creation.
Kinzinger Applauds House Passage of Bipartisan Legislation to Prevent U.S. Cement Plant Closings and Save JobsRelated posts:
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today Congressman Adam Kinzinger (IL-11), a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, applauded the House passage of H.R. 2681, the Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act of 2011. Kinzinger is an original co-sponsor and says the bill would protect domestic cement manufacturing and tens of thousands of American jobs.
The Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act of 2011 was first introduced on July 28, 2011. The legislation would grant federal regulators more time and guidelines to develop achievable rules governing emissions from cement manufacturing facilities. This necessary extended timeline would prevent plant shutdowns, while protecting jobs. Estimates confirm that recent rules issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could result in shutting down nearly 20 percent of the nation's cement plants in the next two years, driving up the price of cement, increasing imports, and eliminating thousands of jobs. In the 11th District of Illinois, over 155 companies use cement on a daily basis.
Voices of Recovery video: EPA rules threaten environmentally-friendly California firm
Voices of Recovery video: Wayne's story, new EPA regulations jeopardize Kansas jobs
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