Thursday, September 08, 2011

Rep. Adam Kinzinger responds to Obama's jobs speech in conference call

Adam Kinzinger (R-IL)
This sentence was on the front page of today's Chicago Tribune: "There is no question that the jobs picture in Illinois isn't good: Unemployment in the state was 9.5 percent in July, compared with 9.1 percent nationally."

Illinois of course is President Obama's home state.

And mine.

Representing Illinois' 11th congressional district is freshman Republican Adam Kinzinger of Manteno. He held a media conference call with Tim Norman, president of the STL Family Companies of Bloomington, who Kinzinger calls "a good job creator in the area."

Cash for Clunkers: Just a good month
As for Obama's speech, Kinzinger said, "The devil is in the details." Members of the House weren't able to see Obama's jobs plan or read the speech prior to his delivering it. Having the American Jobs Act pass in one piece will be "tough selling," Kinzinger declared.

But he said "I think there are areas of common ground." Kinzinger wants corporate tax rate to come down and he'd like to see tax loopholes closed. What that will do is level the playing field for companies like STL so they can compete with the large corporations that pay no federal taxes.

Passing the three pending free trade agreements with Colombia, South Korea, and Panama needs to be done. "I think that's an area where we can find some very good bipartisanship."

As for his opinion of the president's speech, Norman commented, "My impression from a small business perspective is 'Will it help my job, will it help my business, or will it help my employees.'" He offered, "There are pieces and parts I would have to say, 'Yes, I think it will.'"

Veteran's monument, Walnut, IL,
11th congressional district
But small businesses aren't looking for just a good month, he reasoned, they are looking for a good year--or a period of several prosperous years. Norman singled out the 2009 "Cash for Clunkers" program as a good month, but of course no automobile dealership can survive solely on a strong 31 days. That goes for any other business.

Illinois and the nation's economic health is bad. The sluggishness has "morphed into the new normal," Norman bemoaned.

LaSalle, IL, 2009,
11th congressional district
Kinzinger likes the idea of infrastructure improvements, the roads and bridges Obama spoke of in his address...however, "As long as it's paid for," he asserted. As for the failed stimulus bill, Kinzinger reminded us that only about six percent of the $862 billion went for infrastructure improvements. Building roads is something Kinzinger likes; re-blacktopping old ones, and oh, I did I see a lot of that in Illinois over the last two years, is something the congressman is less enthusiastic about.

I asked a question about the regulatory environment of the Obama administration. Kinzinger noted the EPA's proposed ozone standard that would have cost a lot of jobs. But the president put it aside. "I give the president credit for this," he said. "I hope he hangs on to that," he concluded.

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Unknown said...

Kinzinger needs to get it through his head that we the people put him in office and we the people are going to put his butt on streets come next election, he sided with Obama and raised the debt ceiling....

Rockford Tea Party said...

At no point in time during that speech did I hear anything that made me believe that Private Sector jobs were going to be created. He talked about cutting Corporate taxes. Ok. How much? How long? Business won't hire if its not significant and long term. But that was it. How do can government create jobs? Cut spending. Cut debt. Encourage companies to build their businesses in the USA by promising Long term significant reductions in regulations and taxes. Significantly change the tax code.
He did say he wanted to give tax credits to small businesses who hire people but think about that for a minute. A tax credit is a one time offering and thereafter that employee must be maintained at full price. Now think about this. His healthcare plan adds a between 4 and 8 percent (of employee pay) tax on all employees. Now you get a small business that hires someone they get a one time tax break for one revenue cycle, and then they have to pay between 4 and 8 percent of that person's salary to pay for their healthcare plan. Uh Uh. Sorry. Thats not a plan. Thats a disaster waiting to happen. Thats kicking the can down the road.

He also said he wants to cut payroll taxes but if thats going to happen and he is gonna tinker with the tax code why not just dig in and change the whole dang thing? If a republican wanted to change the tax code there would be howls of outrage from across the nation that they are stealing money from the treasury and hurling grandma off the cliff in a wheel chair, but if a democrat wants to change it and reduce it there is applause? He's not stealing? Well then why not just go all the way and scrap it and change it for real. This is a gimmick. It will not jump start the economy.

Adam Kinzinger thinking that there are areas of bi-partisan agreement is fooling himself and is playing the song and dance to the left. He's in a new Congressional District now and it is one that will not be so kind to this sort of hemming and hawing and political dancing. We in the 16th Expect change from our representatives and if Kinzinger thinks that going along with this very nebulous and visionless jobs plan by this president is going to get him votes then he is dancing in the wrong district. We need leadership not compromise. We need ideas that can work effectively no more experimental legislation that makes political science look more like political dice and tea leaf reading.