Monday, August 15, 2011

Canada's free trade agreement with Colombia goes into effect while Obama dithers

Despite his fingerpointing at the Senate, it is President Obama who is holding back ratification of the free trade agreement with Colombia signed by President Bush five years ago. Obama is dragging his feet on FTAs with South Korea and Panama signed by Bush a year later. But rather than creating jobs--as the FTAs will do--Obama once again is more interested in kowtowing to Big Labor--which is virulently opposed to FTAs.

But as the US Chamber of Commerce reports, Canada's free trade agreement with Colombia went into effect today.

But Obama just has to be different.

Related posts:

Thune says pass free trade agreements now--and create jobs
Mired in the past: The AFL-CIO on the Colombia Free Trade Agreement
Sen. John Hoeven delivers Weekly GOP Address

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