Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Jesse Jackson's Civil War column: Keep race-based politics alive

African American Monument,
Vicksburg National Military Park
Fresh off his disastrous race-based effort to get woefully-inept Carol Moseley Braun elected mayor of Chicago, Jesse Jackson returns to the poison-well of divisiveness in a column about the 150th anniversary of the Civil War.

Moseley Braun won just one of Chicago's 2,570 precincts.

In his column he claims, "To this day, African Americans are last hired and first fired."



America is a more unequal country, with more children in poverty and more citizens without health care than any other industrial country. There is little doubt that were Americans of one race rather than a melting pot, had we not been stained by racial slavery and segregation, we would do far more to ensure every child a healthy and fair start in life.

Today, the condition of African Americans is worsening. De facto segregation is expanding. The cuts in public education, public transportation, public health care and jobs training disproportionately hit African Americans. The question isn't deficits, but priorities. Republicans at the state and national level want to lower taxes on the richest Americans, while cutting services to the most vulnerable.
The United States, at least presently, offers the highest quality health care services on the planet. There is less segregation in America not more. Illinois, Jackson's state, has a $15 billion deficit, the federal deficit is $15 trillion. We don't have the money to fund Jesse's liberal dreams or his race-based redistribution schemes.

He is wrong, wrong, wrong.

But he'll always have that Carol Moseley Braun precinct.

Related post:

 150 years ago: Civil War begins

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