Monday, December 27, 2010

White House: Gitmo camps not closing soon

On his first full day in office almost two years ago, President Obama promised that the Guantánamo Bay terrorist jail would close within a year. Yesterday, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs told CNN's State of the Union that the detention camps would not close anytime soon.

But Gibbs still went back to the tired old line that Gitmo was a "recruiting tool" for jihadists.

Al Qaeda has no shortage of excuses for barbarity, which include the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, Western colonialism and its effects, the lack of an Islamic caliphate, and yes, even the Spanish reconquest of the Iberian peninsula, which occurred in 1492--just the other day, right?

Hey Gibbs: We are not dealing with reasonable people.

Hey, at least the brutes won't be coming to Gitmo North in Illinois.

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