Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Morning in America: GOP wins House of Representatives

It's morning in America again. Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) will be the next House Speaker. Numbers are still coming in, but Republican strength is particularly potent in the Great Lakes region, the Upper Midwest (Yes, there is some overlap here) and the South. Among the GOP House candidates I was watching closely, Michigan's Dan Benishek, Wisconsn's Sean Duffy and Reid Ribble. Illinois' Randy Hultgren, Adam Kinzinger, Bobby Schilling, and Bob Dold are having victory parties.

All but Dold's win are GOP pick ups.

One more Illinois race: Republican Joe Walsh leads Democrat Melissa Bean--the woman who wouldn't hold tow halls last year--by a few hundred votes.

Yes, indeed, it's morning in America.

I took the above photograph in anticipation of this victory a few months ago. That's Monument Valley in Utah.

The following is statement from Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele issued last night:

WASHINGTON – Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Steele released the following statement on tonight’s election results:

Tonight, we learned that our democracy is alive and well and that voters, not politicians, will be the ones who direct the course of our great nation. After two years of arrogance on behalf of Democrats towards their constituents, the American people have taken an important step to reclaim the reins of their country by making the important decision to fire Nancy Pelosi. Tonight, voters rejected the economic policies that have resulted in nearly double-digit unemployment and record-breaking budget deficits. They have rejected the belief that government can run our health care system, automobile companies, and student loan industry better then we can. Most importantly, they have rejected the politics of President Obama where the people's business is conducted behind closed doors.

Two years ago, the Republican Party was said to be in the wilderness without a cohesive message or a plan of action. So we listened to the American people and remained true to our core principles of limited government and fiscal responsibility. Today, the Republican Party has reemerged stronger and closer to the people who put their faith in us. The new Republican majority in the House of Representatives was elected on a promise to put a check on the liberal agenda and reckless spending of the Obama Administration. We intend to make good on that promise so that the families of today can once again afford the American dream.
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